Business Partners Designations
CAI offers credentials for a variety of professionals and business partner members.
Business Partner Credentials
CAI offers various opportunities for business partners to earn credentials in the community association industry.
RS – Reserve Specialist
Are you seeking to expand your clientele and enhance your career? Community associations rely on qualified reserve specialists to assist them in extensive reserve planning to keep their communities running smoothly. Gain the confidence of board members by obtaining the Reserve Specialist® (RS®) designation.
The RS designation is awarded to qualified reserve specialists who, through years of specialized experience, can help ensure that community associations prepare their reserve budget as accurately as possible.
CIRMS – Community Insurance and Risk Management Specialist
Community board members are looking for qualified professionals to help them protect their most valuable investments. Obtaining the Community Insurance and Risk Management Specialist™ (CIRMS™) designation can help instill your client’s confidence in you and assist you in growing your business.
The CIRMS designation recognizes a demonstrated high level of competency within the risk management profession.
EBP – Educated Business Partner
CAI Business Partners are indispensable to the community associations they support with their guidance, products and services. CAI education helps these businesses and professionals differentiate themselves in the competitive community association marketplace. CLICK HERE to view the EBP Directory.
CCAL – College of Community Association Lawyers
Since 1993, CAI recognizes excellence in the practice of community association law through the College of Community Association Lawyers. The approximately 200 CCAL fellows distinguish themselves by advancing community association law for the betterment of the communities they serve.
For complete information on CAI’s credentials for business partners, including background and educational requirements, and recertification, visit this link.