
2024 Exhibitor Information

Exhibit at the region’s premier event for cooperatives, condominiums and homeowner associations.

2024 Community Live! Gold Medal Banner

April 10 & 11, 2024 at Valley Forge Casino

Already signed up to exhibit? Please download and review the Exhibitor Information Packet. CLICK HERE to download the Exhibitor Services Kit from General Exposition Services. Here you’ll find important information about set up, where to ship materials for the show, how to order carpeting, additional furniture and more. Interested in electricity for the show? Electricity should be ordered directly from Valley Forge Casino. CLICK HERE for the electricity order form. Please note: electricity ordered after March 22 or on-site will be subject to higher rates. 

Sponsor and Exhibitor Information

Exhibit at the region’s premier event for community associations – Community Live! – CAI’s Annual Conference & Expo, scheduled for April 10-11, 2024 at Valley Forge Casino in King of Prussia, PA. Reserve your booth now – booths are expected to sell out!

Community Live! is the region’s largest event for cooperatives, condominiums and homeowner associations. Attendees come for top-notch educational opportunities, to learn from one another, to network, and to visit with exhibitors – companies like yours – who offer the products and services they need to thrive.

Who attends Community Live?

The Community Live! audience represents a huge market for business partners and management companies. In 2023, our event included:

  • 180 community association manager attendees, from more than 30 management companies.
  • These managers represented 1100+ community associations with more than 110,000 homes.
  • 80 First time attendees.

Bustamante exhibitor picture

Four Reasons Why You Should Exhibit:

  1. Make face to face connections with property managers and homeowners.
  2. Promote your products and services.
  3. Attract new clients from the CAI audience.
  4. Maintain your relationships with existing clients.

Reserve Your Booth and Sponsorship

Exhibit Booth Sales will occur on the following schedule. Sponsorships can be purchased with your booth or during the chapter Premier Partner Program.

  • 2023 Diamond Partners – August 21-27, 2023
  • 2023 Platinum Partners – August 28-September 3, 2023
  • 2023 Gold Partners – September 4-10, 2023
  • 2023 Exhibitors – September 11-17, 2023; Public Sale begins September 18, 2023.

If you are a current member of the Keystone Chapter, please use member code 2024Member when reserving your booth to receive member pricing. Non-member rates are higher. To save on your exhibitor registration, please contact our Manager of Membership and Marketing, Amanda Henderson, at regarding membership. 

Click here to view the floor plan. This floor plan is for informational purposes only. To select and reserve your booth, click the yellow button above.

Exhibit Hall Hours

NEW for 2024! The Welcome Reception for exhibitors and attendees will take place INSIDE THE EXPO HALL on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 from 5:00 to 7:00 PM. The Exhibit Hall will be open on Wednesday, April 10 from 4:30 to 7:00 PM and Thursday, April 11 from 11:00 AM to 3:15 PM. Exhibitors are encouraged to have your booth set-up and open during the Welcome Reception on April 10.

Review the Exhibitor Rules, Terms & Conditions

All exhibitors are required to review, sign and accept the Exhibitor Rules, Terms & Conditions (scroll down for a copy). You will be required to acknowledge the Terms & Conditions in the online booth reservation system.

Private Party / Hospitality Suite Policy

All hospitality suites and hosted events must be approved by CAI. Hospitality suites/hosted events are not permitted during official conference activities. Non-exhibiting companies, groups, and individuals are not permitted to host OR attend events at the official hotel or venue during the conference. Contact Chapter Executive Director Tony Campisi, at with your requests.

JGS exhibitor picture

What to Know When Selecting Your Booth and Sponsorship

  1. Booths are available on a first come / first served basis. There are 147 booth spaces. Reserve your booth early as exhibit space is likely to sell out as it did for the 2023 Expo.
  2. Booths must be reserved using our online exhibitor site, where you will also acknowledge the exhibitor rules and regulations, and enter your exhibitor contact information and staff names. Sponsors who receive a complimentary booth will receive a promotional code to reserve your booth.
  3. Payment in full is required at time of reservation. Exhibit space will not be held without payment.
  4. CAI will make every effort to help exhibitors find booths that are not directly next to or across from a competitor; however, booth selection is ultimately the responsibility of the individual exhibitors and based on availability.

Exhibit Booth Rates

All exhibit booths are 10×10 and include one skirted table, two chairs, a wastebasket and an exhibitor sign. Each booth type and detail can be found in the rate table below.  Early bird registration rates expire on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. Register early and save.

For additional information, including sponsorship and advertising information and rates, click on the booth selection link above or contact Manager of Membership and Marketing, Amanda Henderson, at Please scroll down below the booth information below to review the Exhibitor Terms & Conditions, Cancellation Policy, Suitcasing Policy and more.

If you are a current member of the Keystone Chapter, please use member code 2024Member when reserving your booth to receive member pricing. Non-member rates are higher. To save on your exhibitor registration, please contact our Manager of Membership and Marketing, Amanda Henderson, at regarding membership. 

 Member RatesNon-Member Rates
Booth TypeRegular PriceEarly Bird Price**Regular PriceEarly Bird Price**
Premier Booth*$1,975$1,825$2,425$2,275
Prime Booth$1,875$1,725$2,325$2,175
Premium Booth$1,675$1,525$2,125$1,975
Standard Booth$1,575$1,425$2,025$1,875
**Early Bird Pricing Expires on January 1, 2024.

Exhibit Booths are SOLD OUT as of March 7, 2024. Click here to email Amanda Henderson to get on the waiting list if space becomes available.

*Premier Booths – Sold Out
  • Best location on the floor plan!
  • Premier booths are located in the center of the expo hall surrounding the food and beverage stations where there is a high flow of traffic throughout the expo hall hours.
  • Includes three exhibit booth staff. Additional staff can be purchased in the exhibitor portal.
  • Exhibitor Plus Included ($150 value) – Enhance your exhibit booth with the following online profile features:
    -Page listing your company products and services
    -Embed videos in your exhibitor profile
    -Enable a contact us page in your exhibitor profile so attendees can connect with you outside of show hours
Prime Booths – Sold Out
Bustamante exhibitor picture
  • Prime Exhibitor Booths are located in highly trafficked sections of the expo hall near attendee seating and other attractions in the Expo Hall.
  • Includes three exhibit booth staff. Additional staff can be purchased in the exhibitor portal.
  • Exhibitor Plus available for $150
Premium Booths – Sold Out
  • Be among the first exhibitors that attendees will see when they enter the exhibit hall with a Premium Booth located just inside the entrance to the hall.
  • Includes three exhibit booth staff. Additional staff can be purchased in the exhibitor portal.
  • Exhibitor Plus available for $150
Standard Booths – Sold Out
  • Standard booths are located throughout the exhibit hall and provide an excellent opportunity to interact with attendees.
  • Includes two exhibit booth staff. Additional staff can be purchased in the exhibitor portal.
  • Exhibitor Plus available for $150

Each exhibit space consists of one 10 (deep) x10 (wide) booth. Booths will consist of pipe and drape assembly, booth identification sign, one six (6) foot draped table, two (2) chairs, and one (1) waste basket. Exhibits may not protrude beyond the defined 10 x 10 space allotted, nor interfere in any way with the flow of traffic. Exhibitor display fixtures may not exceed ten (10) feet in height and must be designed and constructed so as not to interfere or detract from the appearance of adjoining booths. Exhibitors should refrain from talking to attendees or conducting business outside of your own booth. All parts of the exhibit must remain in exhibitor's assigned space. No exhibit will be allowed to infringe upon aisle space.

Variations from these limits will be permitted only if warranted by unalterable circumstances and only if specifically approved in advance by CAI and VFC.

Exhibitors and sponsors are prohibited from soliciting conference participants for conflicting educational or social activities during CAI’s Annual Conference & Expo.

Exhibit displays and decoration must conform to all applicable federal, state, and local fire and building codes as well as any applicable public health restrictions, and all VFC rules, regulations, policies, and procedures. Combustible or other explosive materials, including pyrotechnics, are strictly prohibited.

CAI reserves the right to make changes at any time in the location, size, and display limits of any exhibitor space if considered to be in the best interest of the event, with or without prior notification of the exhibitor.

The exhibit hall will be open during the following times:

  • Wednesday, April 10, 2024 from 4:30 p.m to 7:00 p.m., during which time the Welcome Reception / Networking Party will take place in the exhibit hall. Exhibitors are not required, but are strongly encouraged, to be set up and open during this time.
  • Thursday, April 11, 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.

Exhibitors may set-up booths from 12:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 and from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 11, 2024.  Exhibitor agrees to have exhibits completely set-up by 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 11, 2024 and to remain open, fully staffed, and fully intact and assembled until the end of the event at 3:15 p.m. Early breakdown by exhibitor will affect future participation in CAI exhibitor shows. All exhibits must be dismantled and cleared from the premises no later than 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 11, 2024.

Premier, Prime, and Premium exhibit booths are allotted three (3) company representatives and standard exhibit booths are allotted two (2) company representatives to staff an exhibit booth at the event. Names of these representatives must be added to your electronic booth information, or supplied to CAI in writing, no later than Friday, March 31, 2024. CAI will only print exhibitor badges with the name of the exhibiting company. No other company name will be printed on exhibitor badges. Each representative will be credentialed and will receive a name badge, which must be displayed for access to the Expo floor and any related activity at the event, including all sessions. Additional exhibit booth staff representatives can be purchased by March 31, 2024. Additional exhibit booth staff representatives purchased after March 31, 2024 will incur a late registration fee. Changes to booth attendee names made after March 31, 2024 will be assessed a $25 per change charge.

Each exhibitor shall have its contact information listed in the mobile app for the event. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to add exhibitor contact information to the online exhibitor portal, so it is viewable and available to attendees before the start of the event.

No exhibitor may sublet, assign, or apportion any portion of the allotted space, nor represent, advertise, or distribute literature for the product or services of any other firm or individual. Each business represented must reserve and pay for individual exhibit space. Violators will be required to pay the full cost of an exhibit booth on the day of the show or be prohibited from exhibiting at future chapter events. Exhibitors may not rent or use any meeting space within VFC for a client or promotional meeting or event without prior authorization by CAI. CAI reserves the right to reject such requests.

CAI reserves the right to restrict exhibits which, because of noise, method of operation, or any other reason, become objectionable, detract from, or are out of keeping with the character of the event. CAI may stop installation or request removal or discontinuance of any exhibit or promotion which departs substantially from a design description given approval in advance, or from the description given herein. In the event of such restriction or eviction, CAI is not liable for any refund of rental or other expenses incurred by the exhibitor.

Exhibitor shall (and shall cause all event participants to): (a) use the Location in a safe and careful manner; (b) maintain proper decorum and otherwise observe all rules and regulations of CAI, including CAI’s Event Safety & Responsibility Policy and CAI’s Code of Conduct, and VFC, including without limitation those governing consumption of alcoholic beverages; and  (c) comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, orders, rules, and regulations of all governmental and quasi-governmental authorities and performing societies (e.g. ASCAP and BMI). Provisions of the hotel’s (VFC) liquor license prohibit exhibitors / patrons from providing alcoholic beverages from outside sources. Any exhibitor found to be providing alcoholic beverages from their booth space may be immediately removed from the event. Exhibitors shall obtain and pay for all permits, licenses, and / or clearances necessary for the event. Exhibitors operating sound, motion picture, or video recording equipment or other noise producing devices shall do so at a level which will not interfere with other exhibitors or add unduly to general acoustical inconvenience. CAI reserves the right to order the discontinuance of any equipment in violation of this rule. Exhibitor activity shall be confined to the exhibitor’s allotted space.

Distribution of samples and souvenirs in a professional fashion is permitted, provided there is no interference with other exhibits or aisle movement, and the samples or souvenirs pertain to, or contribute to the exhibits or trade show. CAI may withhold or withdraw permission to distribute souvenirs, advertising, or other materials it considers objectionable. Further restrictions may apply as provided under the rules and regulations of VFC. Exhibitors wishing to offer food products may do so with prior approval from CAI and VFC. All food items must be purchased from / supplied by VFC.

Exhibitors are not permitted to bring alcohol into the venue or distribute to attendees. Provisions of the hotel’s (VFC) liquor license prohibit exhibitors / patrons from providing alcoholic beverages from outside sources. Any exhibitor found to be providing alcoholic beverages from their booth space may be immediately removed from the event.  Exhibitors may include closed containers (i.e. bottles of wine or gift baskets) as door prizes. 

Decorations may not be taped, nailed, tacked, stapled, or otherwise fastened to ceilings, painted surfaces, columns, fabrics, doors, windows, or walls. Glitter is not permitted in VFC. Adhesive backed decals/stickers (except for name tags) may not be used or distributed on the premises. Decorations may not block exit doors, fire extinguishing equipment, sprinklers, or emergency lighting systems. All decorating materials must be constructed of flameproof material or treated with an approved flame proofing solution. VFC and/or the local fire department / marshal may conduct safety tests. Any charges incurred by CAI for failure to adhere to this policy will be directly billed to Exhibitor.

CAI, its directors, officers, volunteers, sponsors, co-sponsors, employees, and agents assume no liability whatsoever for loss or damage through any cause, of goods, exhibits, or other materials owned, rented, or leased by exhibitor. Exhibitor agrees to indemnify CAI, its directors, officers, volunteers, sponsors, co-sponsors, employees, and agents against, and hold harmless from, all complaints, suits, or liabilities resulting from negligence in connection with the exhibitor’s use of the exhibit space and participation in event. Exhibitor further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless CAI, its directors, officers, volunteers, sponsors, co-sponsors, employees, and agents from any claim or liabilities imposed by law on account of property damage or bodily injuries, including death resulting therefrom, sustained or alleged to be sustained by any person or persons whether they be members of the public visiting the show, employees or staff of CAI or other exhibitors, occurring at or connected with the preparation or presentation resulting from any equipment, machinery, or items displayed by exhibitor. VFC shall not be responsible for any damage to property or personal injury resulting from, nor be in default hereunder as a result of, any act, omission, or event, to the extent attributable to fire, flood, earthquake, or other natural or man-made disaster, COVID-19, virus, bacterium, microorganism, act of God, war, civil strife, work stoppage, picketing, loss of power, leaks, burst pipes, law, ordinance, rule, regulation, or order (including, but not limited to, civil or military order), technical failure, or any similar or dissimilar cause which is beyond reasonable control (each a “Force Majeure Event”). All exhibitors are required to provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance naming CAI Keystone Chapter as an additional insured prior to occupying an exhibit booth. Coverage must provide up to $1,000,000 per occurrence with $2,000,000 aggregate.

This Agreement and the rights and interests of Exhibitor hereunder shall be subordinate and subject to the Standard License Agreement between CAI and VFC.

These regulations become a part of the contract between CAI and the Exhibitor. All matters in question not covered by these regulations are subject to the decision of CAI and all decisions so made shall be binding on all parties affected by them as by the original regulations.

CAI shall not be liable for failure to perform its obligations under this contract due to strikes, acts of God, or any cause beyond its control.

CAI reserves the right to capture the image, motion picture, or voice of attendees or exhibitors at the event through use of photography, videography, sound recordings, or other means and to use image, motion picture, or voice for CAI promotional purposes.

CAI reserves the right, in event of national disaster, emergency, or upon other reasonable cause, to cancel or substantially alter the event, including converting the event to a virtual format, upon reasonable notification to exhibitors and potential attendees.

Cancellation of any portion of this commitment by the Exhibitor will be accepted only in writing and at the discretion of CAI, and then only based upon the following refund schedule:

Notice of cancellation received by CAI:

  • Prior to January 1, 2024
    100% refund of exhibitor or sponsor payments received, less a $200 cancellation fee.
  • Prior to February 15, 2024
    50% refund of exhibitor or sponsor payments received, less a $200 cancellation fee.
  • After February 15, 2024
    No refund.

In the event of a dispute arising under this contract, the exhibitor agrees to be liable for reasonable costs and legal fees incurred by CAI in a reasonable attempt to negotiate, arbitrate, or litigate the dispute.

Any exhibit space that remains unoccupied at the opening of the event may be rented or used by CAI without obligation or refund.

Contract is not valid unless signed by a duly authorized official of the Exhibiting company. CAI reserves the right to reject any application and contract.

Applicants will not be permitted to occupy exhibit space until and unless all fees are paid to CAI. All applicable fees are due by March 10, 2024. Exhibit space, sponsorships, and advertising purchases not paid in full by March 10, 2024 will be revoked without refund and be placed back on sale. 

CAI reserves the right, in event of national disaster, emergency, or upon other reasonable cause, to cancel or substantially alter the event, including converting the event to a virtual format, upon reasonable notification to exhibitors and potential attendees.

Cancellation of any portion of this commitment by the Exhibitor will be accepted only in writing and at the discretion of CAI, and then only based upon the following refund schedule:

Notice of cancellation received by CAI:

  • Prior to January 1, 2024
    100% refund of exhibitor or sponsor payments received, less a $200 cancellation fee.
  • Prior to February 15, 2024
    50% refund of exhibitor or sponsor payments received, less a $200 cancellation fee.
  • After February 15, 2024
    No refund.

CAI's Suit-Casing Policy

Our exhibitors and sponsors spend a lot of money to participate in the Annual Conference & Expo. CAI has a no-tolerance policy regarding “suitcasing”, which describes the practice of non-exhibiting companies or individuals soliciting sales or sales leads on the trade show floor, in any session or networking reception, or anywhere within the event venue or hotel or soliciting conference participants for conflicting educational or social activities during CAI’s Annual Conference & Expo.


Interpretation of what constitutes suitcasing is at the sole discretion of CAI’s Board of Directors. Violators of these policies will be given a warning at the event. If the violation continues, the violator will be asked to leave the event, and charged the single booth rate based upon the violator's member status, which must be paid prior to registering as an attendee, exhibitor, or sponsor at any future chapter event.


Exhibitors should refrain from talking to attendees or conducting business outside of your own booth. All parts of the exhibit must remain in exhibitor's assigned space. No exhibit will be allowed to infringe upon aisle space.



Non-member, non-exhibiting business partner guests are welcome to attend, after paying an admission fee, and will be issued a special name badge.



Non-exhibiting business partners participating in the event as speakers are prohibited from soliciting business on the tradeshow floor, in or after sessions, or anywhere in the event venue or hotel.

Covid-19 Code of Conduct

The chapter has adopted a Covid Code of Conduct for all in person meetings and events. Whenever you register for an event, you agree to abide by the terms of these policies. Click here for the Covid-19 Code of Conduct for Events.

By submitting a registration for a CAI chapter program or event, attendees agree to the CAI Communicable Disease Related Hold Harmless, Release, Waiver of Liability, and Indemnity Agreement. Click the link to review the terms of this waiver. You will be required to agree to the terms of this waiver in the event registration checkout process.

All hospitality suites and hosted events must be approved by CAI. Hospitality suites/hosted events are not permitted during official conference activities. Non-exhibiting companies/groups/individuals are not permitted to host OR attend events at the official hotel during the conference. Contact Executive Director Tony Campisi with your requests.