
2022 Exhibitor Information

Exhibit at the region’s premier event for cooperatives, condominiums and homeowner associations.

Community live

May 11 & 12, 2022 at Valley Forge Casino

Covid-19 Code of Conduct

The chapter has adopted a Covid Code of Conduct for all in person meetings and events. Whenever you register for an event, you agree to abide by the terms of these policies. Click here for the Covid-19 Code of Conduct for Events.

By submitting a registration for a CAI chapter program or event, attendees agree to the CAI Communicable Disease Related Hold Harmless, Release, Waiver of Liability, and Indemnity Agreement. Click the link to review the terms of this waiver. You will be required to agree to the terms of this waiver in the event registration checkout process.

Sponsor and Exhibitor Information

Exhibit at the regions premier event for community associations – Community Live! – CAI’s Annual Conference & Expo, scheduled for May 11-12, 2022 at Valley Forge Casino in King of Prussia, PA.

Community Live! is the region’s largest event for cooperatives, condominiums and homeowner associations. Attendees come for top-notch educational opportunities, to learn from one another, to network, and to visit with exhibitors – companies like yours – who offer the products and services they need to thrive.

The Community Live! Audience & Attendees

In 2021, even with sharply reduced attendance during the pandemic, event attendees represented a huge market for business partners:

  • 140+ community association manager attendees, from 20 management companies
  • These managers represent 1300+ community associations with more than 9500 homes.
  • 58 First time attendees

Four Reasons Why You Should Exhibit:

  1. Make face 2 face connections with property managers and homeowners.
  2. Promote your products and services
  3. Attract new clients from the CAI audience
  4. Maintain your relationships with existing clients.

Reserve Your Booth and Sponsorship

Click here to view the floor plan. This floor plan is for informational purposes only. To select and reserve your booth, click the yellow button above.

As of March 23, 2022, exhibit space is more than 80% sold out. Act now to get your booth!

Review the Exhibitor Rules, Terms & Conditions

All exhibitors are required to review, sign and accept the Exhibitor Rules, Terms & Conditions. Click here for the PDF document. You will be required to sign and acknowledge the Terms & Conditions in the online booth reservation system.

What to Know When Selecting Your Booth and Sponsorship

  1. Booths are available on a first come / first served basis. There are 132 booth spaces. Reserve your booth early as exhibit space is likely to sell out as it did for the 2021 event.
  2. All Exhibit Booths are 10×10 spaces.
  3. Booths must be reserved using our online exhibitor site, where you will also acknowledge the exhibitor rules and regulations, and enter your exhibitor contact information and staff names. Sponsors who receive a complimentary booth will receive a promotional code to reserve your booth.
  4. Payment in full is required at time of reservation. Exhibit space will not be held without payment.
  5. CAI will make every effort to help exhibitors find booths that are not directly next to or across from a competitor; however, booth selection is ultimately the responsibility of the individual exhibitors and based on availability.

Exhibit Booth Rates

All exhibit booths are 10×10 and include one skirted table, two chairs, a wastebasket, exhibitor sign and all-in exhibitor insurance

  • Premier Booth – $1,725 members; $2,425 non-members – includes 3 exhibit booth staff. SOLD OUT
  • Prime Booth – $1,625 members; $2,425 non-members – includes 3 exhibit booth staff.
  • Premium Booth – $1425 members; $2,125 non-members – includes 3 exhibit booth staff. SOLD OUT
  • Standard Booth – $1,325 members; $2,100 non-members – includes 2 exhibit booth staff.

For additional information, including sponsorship and advertising information and rates, click on the booth selection link above. All exhibitors will automatically receive, as part of their exhibitor registration fee, a certificate of liability insurance for the event.

Cancellation Policy

If you wish to cancel your participation in the 2021 Virtual Conference & Expo, the following dates and refund amounts apply:

  • Cancel your exhibitor contract for 2022 by December 31, 2021 and receive a 100% refund of exhibitor or sponsor payments, less a $150 cancellation fee.
  • Prior to March 1, 2022 - 50% refund of exhibitor or sponsor payments received, less a $150 cancellation fee.
  • After March 1, 2022 - Sorry, no refunds after this date.

CAI's Suit-Casing Policy

Our exhibitors and sponsors spend a lot of money to participate in the Annual Conference & Expo. CAI has a no-tolerance policy regarding “suitcasing”, which describes the practice of non-exhibiting companies or individuals soliciting sales or sales leads on the trade show floor, in any session or networking reception, or anywhere within the event venue or hotel or soliciting conference participants for conflicting educational or social activities during CAI’s Annual Conference & Expo.


Interpretation of what constitutes suitcasing is at the sole discretion of CAI’s Board of Directors. Violators of these policies will be given a warning at the event. If the violation continues, the violator will be asked to leave the event, and charged the single booth rate based upon the violator's member status, which must be paid prior to registering as an attendee, exhibitor, or sponsor at any future chapter event.


Exhibitors should refrain from talking to attendees or conducting business outside of your own booth. All parts of the exhibit must remain in exhibitor's assigned space. No exhibit will be allowed to infringe upon aisle space.



Non-member, non-exhibiting business partner guests are welcome to attend, after paying an admission fee, and will be issued a special name badge.



Non-exhibiting business partners participating in the event as speakers are prohibited from soliciting business on the tradeshow floor, in or after sessions, or anywhere in the event venue or hotel.

Attract Attendees to Your Exhibit Booth through Swag & Signage

This Zoom Q & A with Brian Bielawski, a National Brand Advisor for Philadelphia-based Dynamic Advertising Solutions and Jamie Cooperstein, CEO of J. Cooperstein Hospitality Consulting, will give you ideas on how exhibitors can better engage with attendees at the CAI Keystone Annual Conference & Expo.